Author Archives: Jonathan

Snow Day

It snowed again this week. Not enough to go sledding or mess up traffic, but enough to play in and make everything pretty. Avery had the opportunity to use his new word, “snowman,” and enjoyed crunching around in the snow.

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Avery’s personality continues to blossom. He uses short sentences now, and says such things as:
“Load the truck!”
“I love cars/trucks/garbage/mommy/daddy”
“I want _______” (water, juice, milk, snack, raisins, mommy, etc)
“I nice”
“Let go” (he says this when he’s trying to play fetch with Commodus)
“Bobby Hill” (his friend Jackson taught him this. it’s a character from King of the Hill)
“Backing” or “Back up truck” followed by “Beep beep beep”
His favorite exclamation these days is “No!” He says this to pretty much any question you ask him, even when he means yes. He seems disappointed when we can’t read his mind.
We’ve been letting him watch a little bit of TV, and he’s gotten good at asking for particular shows. He’ll chant: Caillou, Caillou, Caillou! He also likes to watch Bob the Builder, and Thomas the Train. His favorite character from Bob the Builder is scoop (the talking excavator). When Avery says his name it comes out more like “shoot.” It’s pretty funny.
He’s also getting into playing dress up. Lindsey stocked his drawer with a couple pairs of sunglasses, hats, gloves, and a hand bag. The other day he wore his sunglasses through dinner.

This was Lindsey’s toy house, now it’s Avery’s.

Watching Caillou with Mommy and Commodus.

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Life is good in Sayulita

The first week of February we traveled to Sayulita, Mexico for a little vacation. It was our first time to Mexico, and we really enjoyed ourselves. The change in culture was very refreshing, the food was delicious, and we had lots of time on the beach relaxing.
We went down with some friends from Seattle who make camera straps. There were eleven of us altogether, and we stayed in a huge six bedroom house called Casa Concordia. The house has an incredible view of the town and the ocean, and sits up on top of gringo hill.
Ironically we only drank Pacifico.

Casa Concordia is the orange house.

Cool dude.

Save the polar bears.

Avery loves smoothies.

This guy was really fun to watch.

Nice swim diaper.

Avery loved the water.

Fish taco place.

Police station.

Walking down gringo hill.

Pouring water.

Going to get more water.

We went exploring on an ATV for an hour.

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Dance Party

We have an iPod in our kitchen, and when we turn it on Avery likes to dance. So recently Avery will go over near the iPod and say “dance.” Lindsey and I, being obliging parents, put some music on, and then Avery starts dancing. It can be any sort of music. Sometimes it’s Kanye, othertimes it’s Van Morrison, or The Beatles. The funny part is that Avery likes to dance on a step stool. So when the music starts he’ll run and grab his stool from the pantry, set it up in the middle of the kitchen, and start jiving away. It’s incredibly funny to watch. Oh, and he also likes to wear sunglasses. Perhaps he’s channeling Ray Charles or Elton John?

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Happy Inauguration Day!

By now all our readers (whoever you are) know we’re devoted Obama supporters, so it should come as no surprise that we’re posting today. Considering the enormity of the event, it’s hard to know what to say. We both got misty-eyed watching Barack get sworn in as president. (Avery on the other hand just wanted to know why he couldn’t watch Caillou or Thomas the Train.) Lindsey and I both remember watching Barack’s speech at the 2004 convention, and saying to each other this guy should run for president. When he announced his candidacy two months before Avery was born, we knew it was a long-shot, but were hopeful. Now the day is here, and we felt like jumping on the couch the way Tom Cruise did on the Oprah show.
Shortly after the benediction, Lindsey and Avery went to the neighbors house for a champagne celebration/play date. I got back to work, where the 45 MB internet connection was completely saturated with employees watching the inauguration on their computers.
In summation, today was a good day.

“You’re my rock Mommy”

Avery witnesses history

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