Our Backyard == Horizontal Forest

Lindsey and I are usually awakened by a hungry, 4 1/2 month old alarm clock, a.k.a. Avery. Today was a little different. Somewhere around 7:00 AM there was a roar from a machine outside our bedroom window. It sounded a bit like one of those wood chippers they use to clean up debris after a windstorm. When I went to the window to see who could possibly be running a chipper before the first diaper change of the day, I realized the noise was coming from a slightly different piece of equipment. It looked similar to an excavator, only it had a set of claws where the bucket would normally be, and a huge spinning saw blade. One by one it was grabbing trees, cutting them off at the base, and flinging them off to the sides.
When we moved into our neighborhood we knew the trees behind our house wouldn’t be there indefinitely. Looks like it won’t be long before there are houses where our forest once was.
Tree eater.

Lindsey watches the carnage as Avery smiles for the camera.

The sea of downed trees.

This afternoon there were all sorts of homeless birds flying around just above the downed trees. It was sad. 🙁

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