On the Mend

It’s been 7 days since my surgery, and I’m slowly starting to feel better. The first day I was still a little bit out of it from the anesthesia. Days 2 – 5 were painful, especially since I was taking regular tylenol in lieu of the makes-me-super-dizzy-narcotics that were prescribed. On day 6 the pain dropped off considerably which is great except now I really notice how swollen my throat is. In particular I’m finding that when your punchy bag thingy (aka: uvula) is really swollen and rests on your tongue it feels very awkward. Hopefully over the next few days the swelling goes down. Perhaps then I’ll even feel like going back to work 😉
While I’ve been healing up Avery has had an exciting week. He’s been spending some time slithering around on our hardwood floors. We put a toy about 2 – 3 feet in front of him and he uses his hands to drag himself towards it. Sometimes instead of heading towards his toy he goes after Commodus. Then a day or so ago we started feeding him a little bit of rice cereal which was exciting (and messy)!
Feel better soon Daddy!

Getting ready to slither.

I see a puppy dog.

Let’s play!

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