Around the House

Here’s a collection of pictures from April. This first one is from Jonathan’s birthday. We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Kieron loved flipping the pancakes!

Auntie Ashleigh cuddling with Si

With Daddy, just over four weeks old

Kieron sporting a bandaid on his forehead after a block-throwing incident with Avery.

We went to our second Caspar Babypants concert early in the month. Chris Ballew, of the band “The Presidents of the United States of America” is the singer. He’s got great children’s music, which Avery and Kieron (and Jonathan and I) really like.

The boys doting on their little bro

I just love his smile!

Dancing with Kieron

Avery and Kieron each have little baby dolls  (my old dolls) they like to take care of now that Silas is here. They’re so cute, both burping, swaddling, and cuddling their little dolls!

We’ve had some beautiful weather lately. The boys have had a lot of fun playing in the backyard together.

With my littlest man, six weeks old

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