Avery the Kindergartener

The week after Kieron started preschool, we loaded Avery on a bus for his first day of kindergarten. He’s going full-day, and although summer was fun, I think we were all ready for this next step. We lucked out and got a fabulous teacher and an awesome, rapping bus driver.

Avery enjoys school, although he says he misses his toys (and us) while he’s away. I can tell his teacher keeps him busy at school. His folder is full of projects at the end of each day, and his lunch box is almost always empty. In fact, apparently he’s missed a couple of recesses because he spent the entire lunch hour finishing his meal! The long days are really wearing him out. He even fell asleep on the bus one afternoon this week, and almost didn’t get off. I later discovered he frequently catches a catnap on the ride home!


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