I didn’t want to say anything until it was all said and done, but we moved (YAY)! We had an offer pending on a short sale in the neighborhood since January, and it finally all paid off when we moved in at the end of May. Our new home is just a block away from where we rented for the past two years. Same great neighborhood, same fabulous neighbors, same school and bus route – and no goodbyes!
It’s been a busy few weeks – packing and unpacking, patching holes and hanging stuff, mowing, weeding, pressure washing, etc. We’re pretty settled at this point, and are enjoying the new digs.
Avery’s moving advent calendar
Strawberries! (Or as the boys call them, stwabewries)
A water bottle sure makes a great toy
Nana and Grandpa came to help out (can’t say Si helped much)
Our favorite thing about the new house: the woods in the back yard