
Here’s what we were up to in March:

Silas rocked it at his piano recital. We love his teacher, Jeanine!

Layla played at home, but did not want to go in front of an audience yet.

Silas had another season of basketball

Silas made quick work of the Lego car he got for his birthday

Layla loves her aerial silk

Pupacinos for Phoebe & Lucy

Kieron had fun at his buddy’s paintball birthday party

With friends, Becky, Heather, Dave & Laura

Layla had her first official gymnastics meet, the Bunny Hop   

High School Track kept us busy with meets

We took this pic to share with Avery’s ankle surgeon. So glad he’s up and running again!

Silas’ band performed along with the high school and other middle schools

Jonathan and Silas went Snowboarding together

We went to Dueling Pianos at Saints & Scholars with friends

Kieron and Silas had a Boy Scout campout

Layla and I had a girls weekend. We did spa treatments, listened to Taylor Swift, and had a fire of our own complete with s’mores

Avery being silly 

Layla loves playing with Avery’s girlfriend, Erika, when she comes over

Layla and Silas, plumber apprentices

Caroline and I went to see a comedian, Gary Meikle, in Tacoma

Gymnastics banquet celebrating their meet

Avery’s friend took this picture of him in photography class

These two had a date at the Daddy Daughter Dance

Another day, another track meet        

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