Monthly Archives: April 2024


Here’s what we were up to in April. It started off with Jonathan’s birthday.

Cookbook signed by Kenji Lopez

We found a couple if skinks in the backyard when we were trimming the bushes

More track meets!


With Jake

Waiting for Dad to get off work

Playdate with another Frenchie!

Paz and Layla

Just a girl and her cats

I flew to Pullman for a visit

We tried a mermaid braid. Turned out cute and was pretty easy to do!

PJ & Stuffie day at school

Middle school track! Kieron, Josh, Hudson & Declan

Silas & Landry

Caroline and I took Silas and Ethan bowling one Friday afternoon

New patio set for the back yard

Sleepover with Savannah


Avery went to the Oregon Relays in Eugeue for three days. He loved U of O!

With Josh Kerr, Olympic runner & World Champion

Nicole is running track for Western (she’s 2nd from the right)

At a drag brunch with girlfriends – it was no drag!



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Spring Break Cruise in Hood Canal

For spring break, we took Everlong on a cruise down the Hood Canal. We based our days on the weather predictions, which were okay, but not glorious. Our first day we had a  somewhat rough crossing from Seattle to Poulsbo. Because of the winds and waves, we had to go diagonally, rather than straight across so we didn’t get rocked every which way. This, along with the chop, made the trip longer. The wind blew our burgee off, but we eventually made it to Poulsbo. The town was so cute and fun we decided to stay two nights (especially since we got in just before dinner the first day). There were lots of great restaurants and shops. The second day we met up with Avery’s friend, Henry, and his family briefly at Sluys bakery. They had taken the ferry over and happened to be heading there at the same time as us!

Just arrived in Poulsbo

“What is this oddity?!”

“A time machine?”

Movie night: The Theory of Everything

Skittish seal friends

These skies are looking better!

Getting pizza

At the maritime musuem

Sluys baked goods

There was a fun playground close to the marina

Truer words never spoken

These military planes didn’t show up on radar, so we came up with a secret mission they must be headed out on

Arriving at Pleasant Harbor Marina, a cute little place to visit. Has a shop, restaurant, pool & hot tub.

Exiting the marina at low tide. The channel was pretty narrow and shallow but we fit!

Next destination: Alderbrook, at the bottom of Hood Canal. We had the whole dock to ourselves! Jonathan and I had a dinner date there one evening and it was SO good!

Starlight, the starfish friend we found.

These seals were very curious

Our friends, the Greens, have a cabin just across from Alderbrook. The tide was super low, so we anchored on their side and took the dinghy over to visit for dinner one night.

DeAun, Matt and us

With Luke, Logan & Bennett

Our crazy kids jumped off the dock in to the frigid water!

Heading home. What a fun and memorable spring break!

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Easter & Nana’s Visit

Nana and Frank  visited over Easter weekend, which fell unusually early, March 31st this year. We lucked out and had beautiful weather. Jonathan had to teach skiing that morning, so the kids and I did eggs a la golden rod in the morning, and then Nana and Frank came and we dyed eggs. After Jonathan got home, we had an egg hunt and then we took Everlong to Bainbridge Island for some Proper fish and chips!

Making eggs a la goldenrod

Avery went to church with Erika, so it was just the four of us in the morning

Hot game of Uno!               

Trying out Daddy’s saxophone

Baking cookies

Egg hunt time!

Opening Easter baskets from Nana

Daddy’s birthday gifts from Nana

To Bainbridge we go!


An Eagle outside Eagle Harbor

At Proper Fish

The weekend prior, Silas and Layla did the pool egg hunt

Layla got the egg with a bunny in it, which meant she got one of the two Easter baskets!

With their loot

A few pics that were shared from Easter in Pullman

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