Kieron Turns 14

Kieron turned fourteen this spring and will be a Freshman in the fall. We’ve noticed in the second half of this year that he’s maturing a lot and taking on more responsibility. Kieron is sweet, quiet, observant, loyal and steadfast. He has lots of noisy friends who appreciate these traits, along with Kieron’s sense of humor. He enjoys swimming, track, cooking, reading and boating. It’s been fun watching him grow this year and we can’t wait to see what high school will bring. 

We celebrated with a paintball party in Buckley, WA. It was SO much fun! Jody, Landry, Jack, Owen, Hudson, Silas, Eli, Max Josh, Kieron, Layla, Vietnam Vet Photobomber, Virgil, Avery & Liam

After a couple rounds, Layla surprised us and wanted to join in! She stayed in the rest of the time and took a few shots to her skinny little legs! She was so tough. She cried a little, but got right back in there and had a great time.

Handsome birthday boy

Jonathan & Jody, dads living their best lives!

At the end, Mommy emptied out a paintball gun doing some target shooting.

After paintball, we headed to Carlson Block, in Wilkerson, for the best pizza in WA state. And we agree, it is!

Make a wish! ( I should point out, this boy makes all the ice cream cakes in our house, even his own!)

All Blacks gear from Nana

Kieron loved the food dehydrator we got him for his birthday

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