
Here’s what we were up to in July. We invited friends, the Estes & the Andersens to play with us at Andrew’s Bay.

Hudson, Kieron, Layla, Vivian, Silas & Landry

Us with Jody, Darcey, Wendy & Blake

We took the Estes back to Seward Park & headed back to the marina with the Andersens.

Pretty dragonfly at the marina

Look who won the Father’s Day Burger Recipe Contest at Saints & Scholars!

Our good friend, the Smiths, came to visit from Singapore!

With Jen, friends since seventh grade

Enjoying Jonathan’s burger at Saints & Scholars

Bjorn & Avery, friends since birth. Bjorn is headed to college in the Netherlands in the fall.

Layla & Elina

A lateover with Justin & Ethan. Here they are burning their used math books.         

Playing Trivial Pursuit while Silas & Kieron were away at Boy Scout Camp

Jonathan, at a work party

Layla’s good friend, Evengeline, moved to Colorado     

Layla and I went to her friend, Henry’s, party at the Reptile Zoo. She was the only 2nd grade girl invited and she loved getting up close with all the animals!                                 

Watching him feed this gator was a little scary! I know he’s a professional, but wow!

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