Summer San Juan Cruise

In July we headed north to the San Juans for a good ole family vacation on Everlong. Jonathan had to work on this trip, so most days he and I woke up early and got going in time to watch the sunrise underway. When he started meetings I drove to the next harbor. We’d get a slip or buoy during one of his breaks and then I took the kids exploring while he finished up the work day and then we could all play in the evenings.

Day 1 we were bound for Port Townsend

Hanging out on the flybridge while Jonathan was in meetings below.

Watching a boat get lowered back into the water

Playing with kelp.

We took a long walk in Port Townsend

After our walk Avery mentioned to me that a bug bite he’d gotten on his thigh a couple days before was starting to look worse and was hurting. We took a look at it, and there was a big red area stretching the length of his upper leg and the bite did not look good either! We decided to go to Urgent Care, which was only a half mile walk from the marina. The doc said it looked like a staph infection, and that she suspected it could be MRSA, so she wanted us to treat it as if it were until we found out for sure! She took a culture and prescribed antibiotics, an ointment, and instructed us to all shower using medical soap. We spent the next 24 hours Googling, sanitizing and worrying. Fortunately, the call eventually came and yes, it was staph, but no, it was not MRSA. Whew! We could relax a little, and by that time, Avery’s bite was already improving.

The next day we ventured on to Roche Harbor and stayed there for two nights.

We toured a really neat old wooden yacht, Linmar

The boys learned to lasso a cleat like the dock hands at Roche Harbor. A couple of the guys even came over and gave them a proper lesson. They spent hours practicing!

The first evening Jonathan, Layla and I walked to the Mausoleum

Colors ceremony

The kids and I at lunch the next day

Afterward we walked around town and visited all the local spots

We walked to the Mausoleum     

A few years makes a big difference!

Ice cream!

Another walk to the mausoleum


We made a quick afternoon stop at Friday Harbor and got pizza for dinner. We passed a cool marimba band on the way there.

Next stop: Cypress Island

Skipping rocks

Kieron, Silas & Layla camped on the island while the rest of us stayed on the boat.

Layla and I did an early morning hike to Eagle Cliff

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