Author Archives: Jonathan

On the floor

Avery is crawling very quickly these days. We have to keep a close eye on him downstairs as he gets into mischief. One of his favorite spots is the pantry. Anytime the door is open he’ll charge towards it with a big grin on his face and if we don’t close it before he gets there he’ll start splashing around in Commodus’ water bowl. The toilets will be next.
He’s also taken an interest in the kitchen cabinets and drawers. We gave him his own drawer to play with and for the most part he focuses on it.
Commodus is being a good sport and lets Avery chase him around. Commodus is very tolerant of Avery, in part because Avery likes to throw Cheerios at Commodus from his high chair.
In between outfits.

Dancing with Mama.

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Andrew Sounaphonh Avery

We went to visit our new nephew at the hospital on Thursday. He was a big boy, weighing in at nearly ten pounds. He’s very cute, has lots of dark hair, and looks a lot like Nicole did when she was born. We’re thrilled to be an Auntie and Uncle once again.

Avery wasn’t too interested in the baby. Good thing Mommy brought Cheerios along.

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Any minute now…

We’re waiting on a phone call from Lindsey’s brother. He’s at the hospital with his wife getting ready to become parents again. It’s quite possible they’ve already had the baby at this point, but perhaps not. Sometimes babies like to keep their parents up all night before making an appearance 🙂
In the meantime we’re keeping track of their almost four-year-old daughter. She’s having a great time being chased by Avery. She’s also enjoying the gourmet chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and green beans I cooked her. (She only ate two green beans and only because we bribed her with the possibility of having ice cream later.)
[Update:] They had their baby around 8:30 pm. We’re going to visit them tomorrow at lunchtime.

Avery checking out his cousin’s princess.

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Dealey Plaza

Yesterday we drove down to Dallas to visit Dealey Plaza, the site where President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. It was an interesting place to visit, even though I don’t have the emotional memories that most of our parents have. The thing that struck me, is the plaza hasn’t really changed in the last 34 years. As you stand on the side of the street, it’s easy to picture the grainy video of Kennedy’s processional driving past.
Lots of people come to visit year round.

The Texas School Book Depository, where Lee Harvey Oswald was positioned in the second window from the top.

Two women look over the fence onto the grassy knoll. This is the where the second shooter(s) might have been.

A view through one of the missing fence boards.

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Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas ya’ll! We’re celebrating in Texas with Lindsey’s family. When we’re not clearing brush, we’re chowin’ down on all the fancy fixin’s. Avery is startin’ to come right after bein’ ill for a couple days. Here are a few pictures. Git-r-done.
Avery takes interest in the tree.

Amongst presents.

Champagne for breakfast?

Synchronized pudding puff making.

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