Category Archives: avery


November proved to be another busy month for the King household. Here’s some of what we were up to:

Jonathan volunteered at the school as part of the Watch DOGS program. The boys loved having him in class!

Kieron in 2nd grade

Silas and his buddy, Porter

Left Layla alone again and ended up with Maui Spice Rub sprinkled on the carpet!

Hayden came to visit one weekend and we got a little more snow

Playing at the school playground

After school: practicing piano

Math program on the computer

And some art

Silas at basketball practice

The kids and I did the whole trail and back (about 6.5 miles) and barely made it back before nightfall! Look at all the leaves!

Kieron and his buddy, Eli, playing with Layla

Trying out Mommy’s boots

Caught getting into Mommy’s boots again

When you can’t carry your purse(s), baby, celery stick and remote all at the same time.

Trying on Silas’ dirty underwear. Layla likes to get into the hamper.

Avery won this popcorn tin at a cub scout event

Striking dancer pose on the North Lake Whatcom Trail

Date night with this little munchkin

Layla reading in her freshly painted room.

Watching America’s Funniest Home Videos

Silas in kindergarten

Silas & Porter in class

Love having this little hand to hold

Layla loves playtime at the gymnastics building

Nothing like a little rough-housing with Daddy before bed to tire them out

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We got our first snow in November. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for the kids to have some fun in!

I took Layla out in the yard, but she quickly tired of the cold white stuff

Nice day for a sail

I think the boys named their snowman Colin. They repurposed flags the city used to mark wetland mitigation plantings as arms.

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This Halloween we had a chef, an explorer, a Lego nexo knight, and a kitten. Here’s us before heading out trick-or-treating:

The Saturday before Halloween we had a party at our neighbor’s house. Here is Silas with Byron (a Halo guy). That’s Jonathan in the background in his lederhosen.

Our kitten was the most cooperative for photos

Outside the neighbor’s house

Some of the food:

One of Mary’s guardians


The next Alton Brown

Layla playing peekaboo with Atticus

This is Finnegan as The Wardrobe (The Lion and The Witch were also present).

There they all are

Before leaving for the school Halloween party on Friday

The cake walk

Okay kids, time to go trick-or-treating, but first, say “cheese”!

One nice house had treats (jello shots) for the adults too

We went trick-or-treating at a nearby neighborhood, Eagle Ridge, which is a big loop. Layla stayed in her stroller until the last stretch, where we let her out to join in. She caught on quick!

Checking out their loot at home

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Here’s the rest of what we were up to in the big lead up to Halloween.

Our family was featured in the January issue of Lake Views, our local magazine. Here are some of our favorite pics they used:

There was lots of soccer!


FaceTiming with Daddy while he was traveling for work


Pretty sunset from our house

This is from the top of one of the trails near us

We went to our friend & neighbor, Mary’s, art show. People from the community could write good thoughts and wishes on the wooden boards.

It was near Mallard, so we had to stop there.

On a walk at the North Lake Whatcom Trail

Another day on the trail

The fog rolling in from across the lake

STEM night at Boundary Bay Brewery

Just a little piano practice

On a walk one by our house afternoon

I chaperoned Avery’s field trip at the Mount Baker Theatre. We saw Arc Attack. They were on America’s Got Talent, and had a very loud and interesting show featuring singing tesla coils. This is Avery with his buddy, Hudson.

Layla likes to kiss the dogs in her book

A visit with Grammy

Avery and Kieron volunteered to help out with a ski patrol class where the students learned about caring for pediatric patients.

They were very good models

We see A LOT of deer on North Shore, but on this day I interrupted a mother nursing her young. When she noticed me, she literally jumped over her babies to get away. They were a little slower to respond.

Layla loves getting into my bathing suits while I get ready in the morning.

Getting some snuggles

This is how they serve the water at Chuckanut Brewery.

October 30th and on my SUP!

I paddled by my neighbors, and she said, “hey! Wait! I’ll join you!” And off we went. This is Ianthe.

Our living room was being painted, so all the furniture was moved to the center of the room. This is what happened when I left Layla for a minute!

At a park

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Pumpkin Patch

October with kids isn’t complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch. Here are our four little pumpkins picking out some of their own:


Jonathan chaperoned Silas’ kindergarten field trip to another pumpkin patch. Here is the class with their teacher, Ms. McDonell.

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