November proved to be another busy month for the King household. Here’s some of what we were up to:
Jonathan volunteered at the school as part of the Watch DOGS program. The boys loved having him in class!
Left Layla alone again and ended up with Maui Spice Rub sprinkled on the carpet!
Hayden came to visit one weekend and we got a little more snow
Playing at the school playground
After school: practicing piano
The kids and I did the whole trail and back (about 6.5 miles) and barely made it back before nightfall! Look at all the leaves!
Kieron and his buddy, Eli, playing with Layla
Caught getting into Mommy’s boots again
When you can’t carry your purse(s), baby, celery stick and remote all at the same time.
Trying on Silas’ dirty underwear. Layla likes to get into the hamper.
Avery won this popcorn tin at a cub scout event
Striking dancer pose on the North Lake Whatcom Trail
Date night with this little munchkin
Layla reading in her freshly painted room.
Watching America’s Funniest Home Videos
Love having this little hand to hold
Layla loves playtime at the gymnastics building
Nothing like a little rough-housing with Daddy before bed to tire them out