Jonathan has had his heart set on moving back to Bellingham for a while. I was very happy in Snoqualmie, but he finally found a house that piqued my interest – it had enough bedrooms for our family and lake access. I decided to take a leap of faith. One thing led to another, and by the end of June the moving truck arrived and we headed north.
I got pretty sentimental taking my last tour through the boys’ tree fort in the back yard
Look at all their cute little primitive tools and work stations
Ethan stopped by to say “see you later”.
Meanwhile the big boys were at their last day of Camp Invention. They said goodbye to Timber Ridge Elementary.
Then they came home and we had pizza in the house on the empty floor
Hayden, Brooklyn, & Jacqui stopped by with a gift for Avery
Matching photo collages of their memories together. These two!
We dropped by to see Louis, up the street
Here’s Silas & Bode (who also moved about a month later)
And Caroline and I had an evening out together. Not gonna lie, the boys and I had a tough time saying goodbye to our friends. I see many visits in our future!
Here’s Kieron on his first night at the new house
And here’s Jonathan mowing the grass that had grown very tall before we became owners. More pics of the new house to come in future posts!