
Here’s what we were up to in July:

Silas helped Jonathan with some boat repairs for Everlong

Our neighbor’s Frenchie had puppies!

Kieron pet sat our neighbor’s adorable kitty, Mr. Purrington

Caroline and I went to see Beni at Infusion. He’s a local who won a big singing competition. He’s only a teenager and is very sweet and humble.

Look what Layla did to her doll!

Despite a lot of work and googling, Mommy couldn’t make it better

Turns out, for $40, you can send your doll to the American Girl hospital, so away she went. There were tears!

Checkups for Silas and Kieron at the cardiologist

Pool days

Sticker fun

Sleeping Beauty (or as she used to call it, Sleeping Cutie)

A visit from Andrew!

Took this pup for a lot of walks

Blueberry season!

Layla had an unfortunate accident at her friend’s birthday party. Her tooth collided with Clare’s head and was knocked in/back pretty bad. I rushed her home, called an emergency dentist, and had Daddy inspect it.

Next thing we knew, we were in Bellevue having the tooth pulled

Layla was very brave and even went back to the party after all the fuss

Back with the birthday girl, Maggie

Silas finished up his summer hockey session

Clare and Layla watched from above

We got coordinating hats

Avery, with his new desk setup

Dr. Avery, trying to pull the tooth next to the one that was knocked out. It was very loose and fell out not much later

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Lake Sammamish in July

We spent a lot of the summer on Lake Sammamish this year, and met up with friends there on a number of occasions. Here is a collection of pics from July:

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Swim Team

The kids had a great summer swim season. It was nice to finally get to experience a partially normal season, with some in-person meets with the other pools. Layla swam Little Tiger Sharks and swam at the home meets. The boys all did Tiger Sharks.

National Anthem time

Avery diving in

Silas diving in

Kieron on the block

Layla getting ready to dive in

Silas diving in

Spirit Day

Kieron doing the breast stroke


Layla and Miles, having a conversation in the parking lot

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Ash & Mark Visit

Auntie Ashleigh and Uncle Mark came to visit at the end of July. We took them out on Lake Sammamish one day and had a fun time catching up and playing in the sunshine!

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SoCal 2021

In July we went to California to visit family. We had a great time and took a lot of pictures, so I’m splitting the post into a few. Here we are in the rental car:

On the plane. Kids were good about wearing their masks.

Hanging out at Uncle Brad and Aunt Julie’s

One night we went to see Julie’s son, Dylan, and his band perform at the Wayfarer.

At Uncle Brians. These two had a sleepover there.

Checking out his model planes

Fun fact, Uncle Brad is Mayor of Newport Beach! We got a kick out of watching part of a City Council meeting one night.

Took a pic of some mailers for posterity

Uncle Brian’s Lego creations!

Papa and Great Grandpa Phil on Synnove III

A little selfie fun while waiting for lunch

Newport Beach neighbors coexisiting

Just guy having coffee with his cat in a backpack

In N Out Burger

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