Silas & Daddy go Camping

At the end of the summer Avery went to Pullman with Grammy & Papa and Kieron went to the Oregon Coast with Nana. We decided this would be the perfect opportunity to surprise Silas with his first solo camping trip with Daddy. They went to Middle Fork Valley for a night in the woods. Earlier in the day Jonathan and I took Silas and Layla hiking there (her first hiking trip) and decided they should return that evening. It’s also the same spot where Avery and Kieron had their first trips. Of course, Silas was beyond thrilled and they had a fabulous time enjoying the great outdoors together. The following day they hiked an another 4 miles. Silas was quite the trooper, that’s 7 miles for him in one weekend!


Before our first hike
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Later that evening after setting up the tent
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Pure happiness!
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