Category Archives: avery


Here’s a little more of what we were up to in October. In the middle of the month Layla tried her first solid food, oatmeal. She’s mainly getting the gist of eating the food rather than spitting it out. She thought it was alright.
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Practicing rolling overdsc02174 dsc02176

Game daydsc02180-edit dsc02183

Bathing beautyimg_1364 img_1366

Chillin’ with Daddyimg_1377

Avery went to a Star Wars event at the Museum of Flight with his friends, Hayden & Brooklynimg_1396


Shaggy, Layla & Averyimg_1399

Bath time with Silas. He was a good sport about being squished at the end of the tub.

Avery & Kieron enjoy helping get Layla into her pjs at nightimg_1440

Daddy was out of town for work when we took these photos to send himimg_1483 img_1493

Kieron the Tiger Scout (he’s on the left)

Silas riding through the fall leaves

Silas loves a chance to use Daddy’s tools and is quite a bit of help with the leaves

At their school playground

Knock knock knocking on Grammy’s door

Layla’s first time in a swing. Safe to say she loved it!img_1526

This picture makes me laugh. Silas is just like me when it comes to rides. He likes them nice and easy, nothing too thrilling. Actually, he might be even wimpier than I am. 😉 He asked for a push on this swing, but apparently it was to high for comfort!

Four little Kings on swingsimg_1536

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Pumpkin Patch & Early Trick-or-Treating

Last weekend was busy and full of Halloween related festivities. On Saturday morning we took the boys kids (still catching myself) trick-or-treating downtown at the local businesses. This year we have Indiana Jones, an astronaut, a pink bunny & a park ranger.

“You lookin’ at me?”
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It’s fun when the kids are so little YOU get to decide what they will be! After years of ninjas, knights, dragons, firefighters, etc, I decided I wanted something cute… something fluffy… something… PINK! When Layla’s costume arrived in the mail I promptly put it on her and sighed at her cuteness! Then I marched her up to Jonathan’s office to model!

She looks so happy in it!

Back to last weekend… after a morning of trick-or-treating and lunch at Zeek’s pizza, we went to Fox Hollow Farm in Issaquah to check out the fall festival there. Here are the boys on the highlight of the outing, the ATV’s.
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Some parrotsdsc02246

In the mini housesdsc02251 dsc02253 dsc02254

Yay! A corn pit!dsc02257 dsc02259

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Fall Visitors

We had several visits from family this fall. In September, Auntie Ashleigh & Uncle Mark came for a weekend and met their new niece.

Then in October Uncle Brian and spent a few days with us. This was the weekend the weathermen predicted  the YUGE windstorm that did not happen. We spent a fair amount of time that Saturday preparing and hunkering down/wondering where the storm was. Not much wind, but we did get a fair amount of rain, as you can tell from the falls.

These boys had a ball playing Legosimg_1447
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Uncle Scott stopped by on his way through town for a quick visit and to meet Laylaimg_1469 img_1471

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September was a busy month in the King household. Between school starting, curriculum nights, school-related meetings, and the beginning of gymnastics, karate & cub scouts, we were running around quite a bit. We’re looking forward to a more relaxing October!

Hamza, Avery, Hayden & Kieron on their way to school

Daddy lookin’ good on crossing guard duty!

The boys show off their Washington State posters at the open house.

Kieron posing at his desk (notice the large dirt pile out the window).

Wood chippin’ – the boys LOVE it!

Doing crafts with Grammy

Towards the end of the month we finally got Grammy and Papa officially back on the best coast. Here they are in front of their new home in Bonney Lake!
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Grammy and Papa with their real estate agent, moi.
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With three boys in the house, play dates easily approach 5 or 6 boys, which is many decibels!

Bode & Silas

Hayden & Avery
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I was putting Layla to bed one night and asked the boys to read quietly in their room until I could come tuck them in. As I approached their door I heard Kieron reading to Silas. I decided to leave them be for a while as I got ready for bed, put some laundry in, etc. Kieron read book after book to Silas! Not only was it incredibly sweet, but Kieron’s reading is exceptional for his age, and Silas was being so attentive. Definitely a proud mama moment! I snuck this pic with my phone before I came in.

I watch Hamza in the mornings before school. Here are the boys playing a game of war.

Silas at gymnastics. Just him and a bunch of girls!

The boys have been camping in the playroom on weekends. Notice the play fire and cooking setup outside the tent. They thought this up on their own – cut up cardboard for fire placed between wooden logs! Love their creativity!

Dinnertime at the King house

Tummy time for Layla. She finally likes it!

Then we noticed she was starting to roll over!

Look at the four of them! Can’t believe they’re all ours!

Happy girl!img_1300

The boys first debate. I wrote down a few of their takeaways. They both noted that Trump sounded bossy, insincere, and interrupted a lot. Avery was pretty sure Hillary starred as Princess Leia in “The Force Awakens”. This made me laugh because a few months ago they were watching Home Alone 2 and Trump had a cameo, so it’s not really that far-fetched.

Cub Scouts selling popcorn. They had a blast and wore me out!

Playing at their school playground over the weekend.

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Back to School!

September is time for back to school, and this year it was extra exciting because we just got a brand-spanking-new elementary school two blocks away! We’ve been walking and riding by all year, and especially often during the summer, watching the construction process. As the days until school dwindled, we became increasingly concerned it might not open on time. In the end, meet your teacher day was postponed until the first day of school, but it did indeed start in the knick of time. Here are Avery and Kieron on their first days of 4th and 1st grade.
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Before heading out on our first walk to school. They’ve been commuting an hour round trip for the past four years, so we were just a little bit excited that we can walk now!

In front of Timber Ridge Elementary

All smiles on his first day of first grade!

With Ms. Tatum

No more tables for this kid! Here he is at his very own desk!

Showing off to Hayden & Avery. I’m not sure how he’ll concentrate in class. He has the best view he could ask for, he’s right in front of a big window facing a high dirt pile that is still being moved by the construction crew outside!

Sweet boy still wanted a kiss when it was time for us to go

Later I peeked in on him and found this:

And here’s our big fourth grader

Avery thought he was too cool to take a picture in front of this sign until I asked Hayden if he wanted his taken and he excitedly exclaimed “yeah!” Gotta love it when peer pressure works in your favor!

With Ms. Henley

Buddies are so happy to have the same teacher again this year!

In their new state-of-the-art classroom

The ribbon cutting ceremony!img_1031 img_1037

Two weeks later it was Silas’ turn. He’s a big pre-k-er now. It’s hard to believe next year he’ll join his brothers at Timber Ridge.
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