Category Archives: avery

Independence Day 2018

Our family was split up this Fourth of July. Avery and Layla were at home with us, Silas was in Neskowin with Nana, and Kieron was in Eastern Washington with Grammy, Papa, and the Avery’s of Pullman.

Avery loved the bottled root beer!

We hung out at the house early in the day

Then went to the beach

Doing fireworks and bottle rockets at the beach

The watermelon monster

Layla got sleepy, so I took her home shortly after this. Avery and Jonathan stayed up doing fireworks with the neighbors.

Here’s Silas at the Oregon coast with Nana

And here’s Kieron & Andrew in downtown Pullman

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Here’s what we were up to in between end-of-the-school-year activities, birthday celebrations, and camping trips. Grammy and Papa came for a visit and brought their brand new kittens, Maui & Whidbey, with them.


Papa was opening a bottle of wine when Avery sprang up and said, “Papa, can I open that? I’ve never used the cork screw on my pocket knife before!” Papa was happy to oblige.


Kitten hunting (their heads are to the left of Layla).

“Can I carry that?!”

Our butterflies hatched! Time to release them!

Picnic at the beach 

Avery taking Layla for a paddle

That’s Layla throwing a fit on the way back up the hill. In case you’re wondering, I ended up carrying her.

Avery became very interested in ants toward the end of the school year, and decided he wanted to start his own colony. We told him he could, he’d just need to figure out what he needed and purchase supplies. Here is his supply list:

And here he is constructing the habitat with his brothers

It’s ready for The Queen to move in!

One weekend day Jonathan and I divided and conquered, so I took Silas & Kieron to the Sehome Arboretum for a little hike

Then we walked around the Western campus for a while

These two had a great time, and I think they really bonded on this little adventure

We’ve been working on potty training

Playing with Matchbox cars

Mother/daughter selfie

It’s warming up, so we are taking the aluminum boat out more.

On this particular day the boys were excited to find a dead fish.

Some sailing…

Yoga with my girl

Jonathan and Avery, out for a paddle together

Checking out the new Waypoint Park

Look who woke up from her nap while we were working in the yard!

Jonathan and me, out at the Silver Beach Elementary auction

Caroline and the kids came for a visit over Layla’s birthday. Here are the littles at lunch the following day.

Kieron and Silas, playing with Layla’s makeup kit.

Silas reading to Layla

Practicing riding her new bike!

She wasn’t too happy when Avery demonstrated.

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Boy Scouts Adventure

Avery’s Boy Scout troop is getting ready for their big 50 mile hike that takes place in July. The weekend after school ended they did a one-night practice run. Avery was SO excited!

Kayden, Owen, Luke, & Avery

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School’s Out For Summer!

June means the completion of another year of school! This was the only year all three of our boys will attend the same school. I think it was a great experience for them. Here they are waiting for the bus on the last day.

Layla, waiting at the bus stop one last time before school’s out

At field day

Silas, Connor, ?, and Trinity

At Silas’ school performance. He’s in the front in green.

Avery’s 5th Grade graduation. That’s his teacher, Mrs. Williams, opening her arms to give him a big hug!

Layla kept busy in the back of the gym with her friend, Jules

The 5th graders sang a song

And here’s a shot of the teachers dancing to “This is Me”, from The Greatest Showman

Proud Mama

Avery, Owen & Caiden

Avery & Caiden

Ian & Avery

Avery & Henry

Avery & Samuel

Some of my favorite things the boys brought home at the end of the year:

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Layla Turns Two

Layla turned two on June 10th. There was so much anticipation leading up to her birth, it’s hard to believe she’s not a baby anymore, but becoming a little girl. At two she is so sweet and easy-going, but I can see she’s starting to flex her muscles and show her independence already. She adores her brothers, and loves holding everyone’s attention.

Layla loves babies and animals… especially baby animals. She enjoys listening to nursery rhymes, dancing, tumbling, and doing yoga with me. She also enjoys playing Duplo (or Legos when she can get her hands on them), running, sliding, climbing, swinging, swimming and kayaking. She prefers drawing with a pen rather than with a marker or crayon — too babyish, I guess.

After raising three boys, I am constantly surprised by how closely Layla watches and imitates me. She notices and does things her brothers never have — like wiping up the floor when she spills something, washing her hands without being asked, or looking after her dolls and stuffed animals. And on the flip side, she’s not that interested in stacking blocks or playing with cars (although she does like boats).

We celebrated Layla’s birthday with a small party with friends and family. No special theme, just lots of pink! Happy birthday, Layla Blythe! We love you!




With Kampbell & Knox

That’s Addie on the left

Me, Carolyn, Grammy, & Caroline

Ethan & Silas

Shortly after Layla was born, I met Laura, whose Daughter, Georgia, became a playmate. Laura also has two older boys about Kieron & Silas’ ages. We instantly hit it off. When we moved last summer, she brought me this box, to open one year later! Of course I was tempted to open it a number of times over the past year, but I made it. In fact, I forgot about it on Layla’s birthday, and remembered a few days later…

This is such a cool idea! It was so much fun wondering what was in the box!

This is what it was!

Ruffles and pearls!

Miss thang, acting like a boss!

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