Category Archives: avery


Avery had Mountain School at the beginning of the month. This was their 5th grade outdoor ed program that lasted three days. Here he is with his buddy, Henry.

Here he is at home before he left. Poor guy still had his cast on.

Waiting with his class.

He’s ba-ack! They had a great time!

Kieron and Layla making wishes

Time to get the cast off!

One happy boy!

It was a great Mother’s Day this year. The day started with a morning paddle on the lake.

Biscuits and gravy for breakfast!

I was really hoping we’d get to take the sailboat out for Mother’s Day. The weather cooperated, and we had our maiden voyage aboard the “Yellow Buccaneer”!

Someone wanted to keep the bracelet I was given for Mother’s Day

My babies!

Layla and I spent a few days with Grammy & Papa before school got out

Kieron and his friend discovered an orphaned baby deer while playing at the edge of Eli’s yard. When I arrived to pick Kieron up, the fawn was following them around making sad little squeaky noises, and trying to suck on their pant legs. It was still sticky, and we thought it was not likely more than a day or two old. We tried to lead it back to where the boys found it, but it kept following us back to the house. Eventually we left, but poor Eli & his mom spent the rest of the evening listening to it and trying to help it. It did eventually take some goat’s milk. Eli’s mom, Christi, talked to fish & wildlife a number of times, and eventually they determined the fawn was indeed orphaned based on it’s behavior and the duration of time it hung around. We also learned from Facebook that a nearby doe had been hit by a car earlier in the day. By nightfall, fish & wildlife came to collect the fawn. According to Christi, “that deer is in very good hands!” A sweet, crunchy, teary-eyed girl with dreadlocks swooped it up in her arms. Apparently they have a very successful deer rehabilitation program, and this particular fawn was in very good shape for an orphan, so he should be just fine!

Everyone got to pet the fawn. I was worried the mother would reject it if we did find her, but that didn’t end up being an issue.

Caroline and I met up for lunch in Issaquah

Just like their moms, these two always look forward to seeing each other!

I ate lunch with each of the boys at Field Day Here is Silas with his friend, Porter, and his little brother, Campbell

And here’s Kieron, Layla, and Eli

Grammy & Papa came to visit with their new kittens, Maui & Whidbey

Our caterpillars hatched while they were here

We had another little birthday celebration for Kieron

Two birds were camping out on our roof, so Jonathan did a sneak attack with his “Bug Assalt”. It was his Christmas present from the boys. It shoots salt and kills bugs, but also scares birds!

The neighborhood kids playing tug-o-war while we visited with neighbors

Then the dads got involved

Just some horsin’ around in the morning

This was another summer project – praying mantises

There were a ton of them!

Silas had his end of the season soccer party

Waiting for the bus to come

Avery giving Layla lessons on her bike

We needed a dinghy to get to our sailboat…

At the Silver Beach Elementary auction with  Jeni, Jenn, & Amy

Silas, at his friend, Lotus’ cat themed birthday party

Work buddies Jayson, Adam, Tom & Jonathan, together again!

Jonathan chaperoned Silas’ end of they year field trip to Larrabee Park. Here he is with his friend, Jack

Ms. McDonell’s kindergarten class

The whole kindergarten class

Dressin’ up

Posted in avery, kieron, layla, silas, us | Comments Off on May

Kieron Turns Eight

Sweet Kieron turned eight in May! This has been a really great year for him, and I feel like he transitioned well with the move. The school is smaller, he had a fantastic teacher who he loved, he met some nice kids, and just gained a lot of confidence. I also think the quiet, space, and getting outdoors frequently agrees with him

I’ve observed that although Kieron does not seem to be a real “people person”, he has quite a few friends, many of whom are girls. He’s our first to bring home a girl’s phone number (I mean, it was just to play, but still cute). The strong, quiet act works well for him. 😉 But I think he really only needs one or two close friends to feel satisfied.

Kieron is a super reader, and frequently has his nose buried in a book. He loves Legos, playing outside, gardening, cooking, and his iPad. He doesn’t care for picking up after himself, and can be a bit absent-minded. He is also incredibly sweet and sensitive. He is like a little mother with Layla, and really dotes on her! He looks up to Avery, and prefers to be his right-hand-man. He and Silas tolerate each other, and sometimes even seem to enjoy each other’s company!

Happy birthday Kieron Scott. We love you!

Requested  breakfast: crepes!

Callen, Dylan, Kieron, & Eli. We celebrated his birthday with a Ghost Busters themed party. The weather was beautiful! Thank goodness, because this was  rowdy group of boys!

Eli, Travis, Dylan, & Kieron

This year Kieron wanted to have a Ghostbuster’s themed party. I discovered it is not easy to throw a party like this without spending a ton of cash or going to a lot of hard work, so I didn’t go as all out as I would have liked, but no one seemed to notice!


The kids played bag toss and ladder ball, and had a nerf war/water gun fight.     

On his new bike

Putting together his Lego set

Last night as a seven year old!

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April started off with an Easter April Fool’s, the first in our lifetime. Interesting note: the last time Easter fell on April Fool’s Day was 1956. But we won’t have to wait too long for the next one, only until 2029.

Kieron, making gravy for Eggs a la Goldenrod, our traditional Easter breakfast.

The kids with Nana’s Easter baskets

We did the egg hunt in our backyard this year

The following day was Jonathan’s birthday

Nana watched the kids while we went for a 12 mile bike ride

Avery, the snake whisperer, with one of his little friends

Silas moved up to a bigger bike

Kieron blowing bubbles for Layla to pop. He is so patient with her!

It turned my head for a minute to take a phone call. Fortunately, the wet vac took it all out, but I did briefly freak out. I love the placement of the book beside it!

Avery broke his arm in mid-April playing soccer at recess. Another boy kicked the ball hard and it hit Avery in just the right spot. The school nurse called me while I was at a friend’s breakfast at the Country Club. She told me what happened and that I should “probably have it checked out.” When I got there, Avery was pale and holding his wrist, but he was stoic. He said it didn’t hurt as long as he didn’t move it, but if he did, it was excruciating. So off to urgent care we went (Layla was so good through all the sitting and waiting). His x-ray revealed a radial buckle fracture. We were told to return in a few days to see the orthopod and get fitted for a cast.

The following day we purchased a cute little 17′ Buccaneer. Here’s a pic from the Craigslist ad:

The boys were really excited when it showed up!

Here’s Avery getting his cast. The orthopod was really nice, and said Avery would only need it for 3 1/2 weeks.

Layla and me heading out for an early morning bike ride

It was still pretty cold, and she wouldn’t keep her gloves on, so it was a sad, loud ride home.

At a friend’s party raising money for cystic fibrosis

Impromptu iPhone photo session with my little gal.

I found a great website that sells (cheap) coordinating mother/daughter outfits. Here we are in the maxi dress.

Avery at a Boy Scout meeting

Posted in avery, kieron, layla, silas, us | Comments Off on April


Between birthdays Avery & Kieron went on a Cub Scout campout at the Museum of Flight, in Seattle. They had an amazing time, and even got to sleep under some planes!

And there was spring soccer for Silas!

Posted in avery, kieron, layla, places, silas | Comments Off on March

Avery is Eleven!

Avery just celebrated his eleventh revolution around the sun. Time is such a funny thing. It seems like he was just a baby, but at the same time, eleven seems about right. I am so proud of the big boy/young man Avery is becoming. He is smart, kind, and sensitive. One of the things I admire most about him is how fiercely he loves his little brothers and sister. Sure, he enjoys teasing them like any big brother, but he holds Silas’ hand at school and plays Legos with him for hours. He takes care of Layla, reads her stories, and looks out for her. And he loves being outside with Kieron. It’s easy to forget there are three years between those two.

At eleven, Avery loves Legos, chess, the outdoors, and Nerf. He takes pride in the fact that he is one of the fastest boys at school (and a good defender) but he does not want to play team sports or run track (breaking his arm playing soccer didn’t help any). Avery thinks girls are pretty boring, he doesn’t understand why some of the kids at school just walk around and talk at recess, and he is disappointed the middle school does not have a play ground.

This year has easily been the most difficult of Avery’s young life. Moving at the age of ten is hard on a kid (just ask me and Jonathan, we both went through it and swore we wouldn’t do it to our own). But then we did, and it has been just as tough on Avery as I remember it. And making it even harder, we moved from a neighborhood where he could walk to school and most of his friends’ houses to a home where we have to drive ten minutes to get anywhere. Are there advantages, sure, but I just really have to hand it to Avery, he’s been through a lot this year.

And through it all, Avery is excelling in school and has gradually made friends. He also had a really special teacher (who happens to have a son who is in class and friends with Silas). It has been reassuring to have an adult at school who is in Avery’s corner.

I think this next year is going to be really special for Avery. He is SO ready for middle school — even if there isn’t a playground. I’m excited to see what the future holds for him!

Per his request, a Nerf party

Battle face!

We started out with a little target practice

Our neighbor, Shaw

Shaw’s dog, Obie. It’s perfect that our neighbor has a pug who frequents our yard (and parties). Just feels right.

BFF Hayden came for the weekend

Luke & Kieron

Landon captured the flag

Braden & Avery

The gang

The house decked out for the party. Love the pretty sky (mind you, it’s March)!

Jonathan going over rules with the boys

Team A

Team B


Game on!

Jacqui & Layla, watching the action

Time to eat

Posted in avery, food, jonathan, kieron, layla, silas, us | Comments Off on Avery is Eleven!