Category Archives: kieron

The Play set

One of the things on our list of home improvements was a big wooden play set. The boys had outgrown their plastic one, and were in need of something substantial that wouldn’t lift off the ground with each swing. The right set finally came along on Craigslist on Mother’s Day weekend, and we pounced on it. Jonathan was such a sport, and spent the weekend renting a trailer, disassembling, moving, and reassembling the new set. We love it!
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Hikes with Daddy

Jonathan took Kieron and Silas out for special one-on-one hikes in May. It’s a great way for him to connect with the boys individually. Here are a few pics from each of their outings.
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The Ants

Last spring we hatched butterflies. This year the boys picked ants. We ordered the anthill though Insect Lore, and it was so entertaining to watch them tunnel and use teamwork to move the sand around.

Here’s the boys with the vial of 20 harvester ants that arrived via USPS. They were checking the mail every day for these little guys!

The ants had to be refrigerated for a few minutes so they’d get sleepy and not bite when Jonathan loaded them into their new home.
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The entertainment begins

Avery was mesmorized

On this day he sat with the ants for more than an hour watching them tunnel. Better than TV!

The ants had to be fed and watered every three days. Usually they got a piece of carrot or apple.

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Kieron Turns Four!

Kieron is such an adorable, sensitive, emotional, mercurial little guy, and he always keeps us guessing. Will he eat dinner tonight? Will he talk at school today? Will we get Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Hyde? Any wrinkles or grey hairs, we attribute to Kieron so far. He can be incredibly sweet, but also quite sour. Usually cool, he gets fiery fast!

Kieron is a passionate fella. He pours himself into his interests. Passions include cooking/the kitchen, building/dirt/mud, and garbage trucks. Sometimes I imagine I am slowly being tortured with mundane questions about garbage/recycle/compost/trucks. Kind of reminds me of Bubba Gump and the shrimp.

One adorable thing about Kieron is his vocabulary. He memorizes books, and is really good with language. Some cute things he’s said recently include: “I have something important to say”, “I have a brilliant idea,” and “maybe this hike would have been better for you to do on your own.”

Kieron is big for his age, and strong too. At his well child visit, he was in the 91st percentile for height, and 86% for weight.

Potential future careers: English teacher, judge (can totally see him with a gavel), dictator, activist (can also see him chaining himself to a building or tree).

Happy birthday to our little sweetheart. We love you!

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Easter Weekend

We had a fun Easter. In total, the holiday celebrations lasted three days, there were three official egg hunts (two dry, one wet), and an obscene amount of candy (much of which was conveniently repurposed in Kieron’s birthday piñata). We missed the big local egg hunt because I forgot that those are actually on Saturday (which makes no sense to me, because why would the bunny come early? But whatever, I get it, apparently a lot of Easter celebrators have Sunday morning plans). Overall, a great time was had by all, and we had three very happy boys on our hands!

Easter baskets!

The hunt is on

Kieron was more concerned with eating the candy from the eggs as he went than with quantity.
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One egg in, two fall out

An egg on Buddha’s lap (although it kind of looks like Avery is making an offering)
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Eating their loot. Avery is helping Silas open a chocolate. 🙂

On Saturday, we had a rainy Easter egg hunt followed by a potluck with three of our neighbors.

Kieron & Silas hunting eggs with their buddy, Bode

I briefly tried to get a picture of the three boys that morning. This is what I got:

On Friday, Kieron had an egg hunt at his farm school. Avery volunteered, and helped set up for the party. We had a really fun time!
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Wilber’s not that picky, but he loves strawberries
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