Category Archives: kieron

Halloween 2011

This Halloween Avery and Kieron dressed up as a knight and a dragon. It worked out perfectly because I was already planning on breaking out Avery’s old dragon costume for Kieron. When I asked Avery what he wanted to be, I really thought he would say a pirate or a cowboy, but a knight it was. After a week, he still wanted to be a knight, so we went out and bought his costume (in early October). Well, another week passed and the next thing I know he’s telling everyone he’s going to be a pirate (oh great, this is what I get for being a good Mom and not procrastinating)! A few days before Halloween he changed his mind again (cowboy). Fortunately for me, on the big day he had landed back on knight again, whew!

We lucked out and got a dry Halloween, yay! Avery was the most galant knight I’ve ever seen, and Kieron was ridiculously cute as a little dragon. It’s amazing how fast the second-born catches onto things like trick-or-treating. He did the whole block with his big bro and seemed to love every minute of it. He scurried up sidewalks, reached into candy bowls with a wide open hand for optimal candy-grabbing, and then muttered “tank ya,” and hurried on to the next house.

After finishing the block, we retreated inside to dole out candy to the rest of the trick-or-treaters. The boys liked this part as much if not more than the actual trick-or-treating.

The boys carving pumpkins

Pumpkin guts!

“I wonder what they taste like… eeeeewww”

“See boys, this is how it’s done”

Heading out with Sir Avery and the ferocious dragon

Kieron caught on really quick

Avery and his buddy Hayden (Army man from Toy Story)

Looking for trick-or-treaters

Pumpkin designed by Avery

Here are a few shots from Avery’s preschool field trip to Remlinger Farm

His favorite part was the hay maze

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The Boys Go Hiking

A couple weekends ago, Avery and Kieron had a bunch of extra energy to get rid of, and I desperately needed to get some work done around the house, so Jonathan took the boys hiking for the afternoon. While I enjoyed some much needed alone time and crossed off items on my to-do list, the boys had a blast on Tiger Mountain. Kieron even hiked 45 minutes of it!

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Autumn Days

Fall is in full swing, the leaves are changing color, and the trees are brilliant shades of gold, orange, and fiery red. While enough leaves are still on the trees to make them look full and pretty, piles are accumulating on the ground, beckoning little kids to shuffle through and throw them about. There is fun to be had! Fall is such a pretty season, especially in the northwest, but I think even more so here in Snoqualmie. The colors of fall are striking in contrast to the blues and grays of the mountains and fog, and the lush greenery our region is known for. Yes, there is much rain to contend with, but it’s pretty even when it’s raining, and when it’s not, we get outside and enjoy all the northwest has to offer.

Kieron loves being outside! He’s learned the word “shoes” and will repeat it over and over when he wants to go out. When it’s raining, I say “I’m sorry babe, look, it’s raining, we can’t go outside right now.” But despite his usually mild manner, he can be quite stubborn. He will not take no for an answer. So sometimes I take him to the window, or even just outside the door, so he can feel that it is indeed raining. And when I bring him back in thinking this must be the proof he needs, he bursts into angry tears and makes his way into the coat closet where his shoes are kept. He goes inside, closes the door, and continues his pity party alone, poor little guy. Needless to say, I get him out as often as the weather and our schedule permit.

Avery is a busy boy between preschool, dance, and now swimming twice a week. He’s such a talkative, imaginative little guy, and is always cracking us up saying funny things. This past week he’s insisted on sleeping in his tent at the foot of his bed. Jonathan and I joke to each other that he’s “occupying” his room as part of the 99%. I can’t believe this is comfortable for him, but he seems to be getting a better night’s sleep down there.

I love pictures of toddlers checking out nature

Sharing the sandbox

At times they play quite sweetly

20 weeks

Brothers in coordinating PJ’s

Reading a story at bedtime (Kieron gets really antsy)

We peek in on the boys each night before heading to bed. This is what we found at the foot of Avery’s bed one night

And here’s our little Kieron sleeping

Jonathan got an iPad for his birthday, but it’s the little boys who get the most use out of it

My secret to getting veggies into a toddler who doesn’t eat veggies:

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Salmon Days & Remlinger Farm

We had an action-packed first weekend in October. That Saturday we went to the Salmon Days Festival in Issaquah. We had fun checking everything out and watching the salmon try to jump the fish ladder. At the end of the day, the boys got to try their first cotton candy, which they both loved.

The following day we met up with our friends/old neighbors, Jessica, Vasili, Lily, & Owen, at Remlinger Farm in Carnation. Avery and Lily enjoyed going on all the rides together. Before leaving, we treated Avery to his first candy apple. Avery saved some of the seeds and planted them in the back yard the next day. That’s when he informed me he was growing a candy apple tree!

Picking pumpkins

Jessica, Vasili, Owen, & Lily

Kieron loved playing peek-a-boo on the train

Snacking on kettle corn

The daddy’s and Kieron

Riding the train at the Salmon Days Festival (Avery appropriately picked the animal cage)

Go, salmon, go!

Tired festival-goer

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Blueberry Picking

We went blueberry picking a couple of weeks ago at our regular spot, Bybee Farms, in North Bend, WA. Avery was a much better picker than the previous year. Kieron, who doesn’t like blueberries, stayed occupied in the jogger with snacks as long as they lasted. After that, we let him out to roam a little, and he wandered among the bushes collecting dandelions. In the end, we picked about six pounds of berries, not bad with our little monsters in tow.

“Personally, I prefer dandelions over blueberries.”

Our bounty

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