Category Archives: silas


This is the rest of what we were up to in July. It’s a lot of pics, but I actually culled them a lot!

At Boundary

At Aslan

Layla took her first steps at our friends, James & Morgan’s, summer BBQ!

I feel like this is a glimpse into our future…

Yoga with a beer

Heading to the Northshore Trail. The kids gear barely fits!

She so wants to be out there with her brothers!

Watching a movie together

At the mall play space. Had to drag her away!

Look who’s after Daddy’s beer!

Peekaboo fun

Swimming lessons. Outdoor pool is not too shabby!

These two!


Look who’s new backpack & lunch box arrived in the mail! Silas was just a little excited!

Layla & Grammy yakking it up in the kitchen

Happy hour with Grammy

Splashing away!

Our three monkeys at their new school playground

Watching her big bros


And finally… Costco. This is how we roll.

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Visits with Friends

One of the (many) things I love about summer is it’s when we often catch up with friends we haven’t seen in a while. We had a few visits from good out-of-town friends in July. The Smiths visited all the way from Singapore.

Avery & Bjorn

BFF’s since middle school. I still remember watching X-files with this lady and drooling over David Duchovny!

Oliver & Jonathan. It’s so much fun when the hubbies hit it off too!


Silas & Elina

Later in the month Jacqui and Hayden came up to see us. They were neighbors in Snoqualmie, and we met because of Avery & Hayden, but we became fast friends.

“We’re ready to go to the lake!”

Here’s our entourage making the trek down to the water with a few toys.

Bathing beauty wearing her pink flamingo bathing suit in her pink flamingo floaty

“Do you like my unicorn?”

Nerf battle in the field

Avery & Hayden

The four boys gaming together

At Boomer’s Burgers

At Boulevard Park

Crab hunting

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One of the big pros for us about moving back to Bellingham was it’s proximity to the water. Sailing was part of my life growing up, and Jonathan was a Sea-scout. We always wanted to share this with our kids, but it is expensive and not super-convenient in the Seattle area.

We quickly found a sailing camp at the Bellingham Yacht Club for Avery. After his experience in California earlier in the year, he was excited to try it out, and he loved it! Here he is at camp:

Jonathan’s office is by the marina, so we stopped by to visit a few times and take a walk, watch Avery at camp, and enjoy the salt air.

Here are the boys in front of Jonathan’s building.

Down by the water

“Can you see me now?”

We also took advantage of the sailing on the lake once. Lakewood is right across the lake from us, and is where Jonathan rowed out of when he was on the crew team at Western.  He and Papa took Avery and Kieron out for a little day sail one afternoon. I am so happy that they got to go out with Papa, and we hope to do more of this next summer!

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More from the Move

Here are a few more pictures from the days following our move. It was an exhausting, emotional roller coaster, and a ton of work, but we got through it!

The boys eating breakfast in the unfurnished family room on the first morning.

A deer visitor wonders what happened to all the tall grass

“Yay! The piano is here!”

I felt sorry for the poor movers when they had to carry the play set around the back yard and set it up. Here’s Layla supervising.

I’m glad we had them do it though. The boys were on it in a hurry.

Unfortunately, not everything fit in the moving trucks, so we had to make a couple trips back up to get our remaining belongings. Here’s the kids last meal at the old house.

Buddha was belted in the U-Haul.

Back at the new house. Avery’s inaugural jump in the lake!

Jonathan with his coffee before departing on his 15 minute commute to a real office! No PJ’s today!

Our sweet neighbors hosted a s’mores party to welcome us to the neighborhood

Layla with the tiger

Playing in the backyard

Best toy ever and we had a house full of them!

“Organizing” her clothes. Love the ruffle butt.

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Preschool Grad

We celebrated a graduation in June – a preschool graduation, that is. It’s hard to believe Silas is through with preschool, although he seems more than ready for kindergarten. The event was bittersweet. We loved his preschool and had been with them for a long time. Silas graduated from the same preschool Avery attended his last year (after we moved to Snoqualmie). Although he started at the Farm School Kieron attended, Silas switched back to Preschool Paradise for his remaining two years. That’s when his friendship with Charlotte began, and it has been such fun to watch evolve. Knowing a move is right around the corner made it even more bittersweet. But we couldn’t be prouder of our lil’ Si.

With Charlotte

The graduate

With Ms. Amber & Ms. Karen

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