Category Archives: kieron

Back to the Beach

We spent a few days in the beginning of August at Nana and Grandpa’s place on the Oregon coast. Avery was so excited to go, he packed his backpack in the morning all by himself. Of course, all he packed was toys, but Mommy helped him sort it all out. When we got there Avery could hardly contain himself while we unpacked the van. The wait must have seemed like an eternity to him, but it wasn’t long before our feet hit the sand and he was busy building castles and fishing with a small net.

Avery loves to play in this creek that leads to the ocean

Avery had fun demolishing this sand kingdom

Then he started to rebuild his own

Waiting for pizza with Grandpa

Haystack Rock

Avery climbed about halfway up this sand dune and ran down with us

Hugging Nana

Mr. Smiley

Hunting for treasures

On our last evening at the beach, Nana and Grandpa watched Kieron so we could have some time outside with just Avery. The clouds cleared and the sky was so pretty. We ended up taking a ton of pictures. This is the least I could reduce it to:

In front of Proposal Rock

Saying “hello” to the starfish

Waiting for a wave…


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Backyard Fun

We’ve had a mild summer this year, but it hasn’t stopped us from taking advantage of what warm days we’ve had. We BBQ and eat dinner in the backyard as often as possible, and when it’s really hot we break out the kiddie pool or turn on the sprinklers. We even managed to fit in a water balloon fight one day. Here are a few pics of our backyard shenanigans.

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Kieron Three Months

It’s hard to believe Kieron is already three-months-old. The bleary-eyed nights of waking every several hours to feed, burp, and change him are behind us. He now puts in a good eight-ten hour stretch at night regularly. His waking hours have increased too, and he’s quite a cheerful little guy, full of laughs, squeaks, and coos. He enjoys playing with his hands and grasping rattles or small stuffed animals.
Kieron is not a fan of tummy time yet, but he’s getting stronger, so it probably won’t be long before he enjoys spending quite a bit of time there. He really loves being held and cuddled though, and would likely prefer to spend all of his time in someone’s arms.

He got three shots at his two-month well baby visit

Dr. Avery looking after his little bro

All smiles

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Around the House

Having two kids doesn’t leave much time for blogging. We’ve been chasing after a certain rambunctious three-year-old while feeding/burping/changing his little brother. How do people with three and four kids do it?
Avery is enjoying the good weather. He loves to play in the backyard and has been going on lots of bike rides with Daddy. He also keeps busy inside when it’s raining, and shows an interest in painting and ballet (much to Mommy’s delight).
Kieron is two months old now. He still sleeps a lot and enjoys eating. He’s a sturdy little baby. He’s started to smile at us and loves having ‘conversations’ by cooing back and forth. He’s very active and likes to keep his arms free and kick his legs a lot.
Avery loves tee-ball, and has a pretty solid swing

Sometimes he’s a little lazy though

What should I paint?

Do you like my tutu?

It’s red, like a fire engine

Avery wanted to recreate the movie “Up” here

Riding bikes with Daddy.

Conked out

Replicating an old picture of Avery

The view from Kieron’s crib

A picture of our baby in front of a picture of our baby

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Kieron: first three weeks

Kieron is just over three weeks old and we’re settling into a routine with two children. So far he’s quite the sleepy-head, has a great appetite, and loves to cuddle and be held. After a night home from the hospital we realized Kieron needed a pacifier (Avery spit them out), and since then life has been a little better. In the night we’re getting three and sometimes four hour stretches between feedings. This week Kieron started smiling a little bit. We’ll try to get some pictures to post soon.
We’re so proud of Avery and the way he’s responded to Kieron. He’s a proud big brother and is never short on hugs and kisses for his little bro. He asks questions like “is Kieron hungry,” “does Kieron like giraffes,” and “can Kieron play trains with me?” It’s pretty cute.
We’ve managed to get out quite a bit with the boys. We’ve been to Zeeks Pizza once, and Chantanee for Thai food twice. We also took them to the top of the Space Needle, made a road trip to Mt. Vernon for a birthday party, and went shopping at the Nordstrom half-yearly sale.
P.S. We posted a bunch of earlier blog posts starting with Avery’s birthday. Scroll down to see them.

He’s very strong, almost looks like he’s ready to crawl 😉

Hey good lookin’

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