Category Archives: kieron


So what’s new lately? Kieron is getting around quite well these days. He now does everything but walk, and he’s not too far from adding that skill. Baby gates are up, cabinet latches are on. Pantry door must stay shut. He likes to go in there to look for food. He’s also communicating more and more. It’s adorable!

Avery has attended swim lessons for the past few weeks. He’s really excelling and making lots of improvement. I can tell he’s gaining a lot of confidence in the water, which is great!

He also learned to ride a two-wheeler this week! The bike we got Avery for his birthday will be good for him to grow into, but we realized it’s just too big for him right now. So we picked up a smaller one on Craigslist, and within a day or two he was riding around on his own. His old bike was one of the ones without pedals, so he would learn to balance first, then add in pedaling. I definitely think it’s the way to go. We were able to skip training wheels all together. Our house is across the street from a cul-de-sac, and there are gobs of little boys in the neighborhood. The neighbors put up cones and all the little kids zip around while the parents socialize and supervise.

Here are a few recent pics of the boys

Bottom Scooting

Posing for the camera

Avery after watching Kung Fu Panda

Avery sipping tea from a shot glass

Climbing stairs!

Let go of me! I’m trying to concentrate!

Kieron cruisin’ the bench during Avery’s swim lesson

Guess who learned to ride a two-wheeler this week!

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All Caught Up!

Here are a bunch of random cute pictures of our little boys (and one of us) from the past couple of months. I’m officially all caught up on blogging… for now.

“They call me Captain Fork.”

Date night! We headed out to our 4th Death Cab for Cutie concert together.

Avery LOVES legos! He and Jonathan built a firetruck together.

A little edamame with your salt?

Avery & Jackson enjoy popsicles together on a sunny day

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Kieron the One-Year-Old!

Ay ay ay! On Cinco-de-Mayo our little Kieron turned one! What can I say that doesn’t sound like a total cliche? It seems like just yesterday… It’s hard to believe… How time flies by… They grow up so fast… Well, you know what I’m trying to say!

Our first few days with Kieron were so magical. Nestled in the safe confines of the birthing center with all the sweet nurses who constantly checked on us, changed his diapers, and remarked, “what a cute baby!” I basked in the glory of new-motherhood. There was nothing to worry about except for taking care of this precious, sweet little gift. He was so cute and helpless, and when he cried, he made a sorrowful “laaa” noise that sounded like he was singing.

So how do I sum up Kieron at one year old? I’m generalizing here, but at this point, Avery is my shy, sensitive boy with the engineering brain. Kieron is more of a brut and a bruiser… and a flirt. He likes to make noise by banging things together, he has an insatiable appetite, and when he hears music, he can’t help but move to the beat. He’s so easygoing, but he likes to get into everything. When Avery was a baby and would get into something he shouldn’t, I’d simply redirect him and he was fine with it. Kieron however, is a little bit more determined, so this tactic doesn’t go as smoothly. He still doesn’t crawl or walk. His main methods of moving are bottom scooting, cruising along furniture, and walking behind his push car. Sometimes he “army crawls.” His main words are “da” (daddy) ga (give me, or I want) “baaa” (bath), and “mmm mmm!” When he eats, he repeats the latter over and over between bites. He even says it with both fists up for extra emphasis. His new favorite place to hang out is in front our our toy kitchen. He opens every cupboard, pulls everything out, and usually ends up waving a toy whisk and mixing spoon. Maybe he’s a future top chef?

Grammy and Papa came out from Texas for Kieron’s birthday. We had a small family celebration complete with tacos, cupcakes, and fake mustaches. I was a little surprised that Kieron wasn’t keen on the funfetti cupcakes, but I’m sure that will all change by next year. Happy birthday Kieron! We love you so much!

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A Helmet for Kieron

When Kieron was a few months old, he started developing a flat spot on the back of his head from sleeping on his back. We and the doc kept an eye on it, hoping it would round out once he started sitting up. By the time his nine month checkup rolled around, it hadn’t improved, and we were referred to a cranial specialist. It was unlikely this would correct itself, and by the age of two, the fontanels all fuse and the head is the shape it will stay permanently. So we opted to get a helmet for Kieron. He wears it 23 1/2 hours a day for roughly four months, and is currently about half-way through.

At first, we were concerned about how he (and we) would adapt to it, but he got used to the helmet very quickly, and it’s become part of his personality. So far the results have been great, and there is already a very visible change. Plus, there’s the added bonus that since he is learning to walk, the helmet is quite functional and has spared Kieron a number of bumps and bruises. It also provides extra protection from the energetic and not-always-gentle older brother.

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Kieron’s Ten Months Old?

I know parents always marvel at the passage of time, but really, where did the last ten months go? For that matter, where did the past four years go? I can’t believe I’m planning Avery’s fourth birthday party right now!

Last Saturday was one of those beautiful, crisp winter days in the Seattle suburbs, so we took the boys to the park and brought the camera along. Kieron’s still got some time to go before he’s walking, but he didn’t let that stop him from enjoying what the park had to offer.

At ten months old, Kieron’s preferred method of moving around is “bottom shuffling,” or scooting around the floor in a seated position. I’d never heard of this until he started doing it. Sometimes he will slither in circles, and every so often he’ll go backwards a little bit, but he hasn’t worked out the logistics of going forward yet. In the past couple of days he’s begun getting on his knees and forearms when placed on his tummy, so I think crawling isn’t too far off. He definitely likes to get into things, so we’re in big trouble when he does start crawling.

He has an appetite like a horse. I’m not actually sure if he ever gets full. He eats puffs and cheerios, and likes to chew on bread, but he does not like chunks in his baby food. We’ve been trying for a while now with the chunkier textures, and he really lets us know he doesn’t like them. But baby food, rice cereal, yogurt… I think he could win an eating contest with those. If we pause while we’re feeding him he actually starts yelling at us!

Kieron is a sweet, social baby, and is still very smiley. He gets startled sometimes though, and will start to cry if he’s around someone with a boomy voice. He loves to talk/flirt with people, and sometimes catches strangers off guard with his cheerful “hi!” He says dada a lot, and sometimes mama, awee (Avery) and we can tell “uh-oh” is right around the corner.

Back at home

Here’s Kieron right before we woke him up from a nap, so peaceful

And after

Sir Avery, the dragon trainer

Our little teether

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